127+ of the Top Free and Paid Book Promotion Services

By Dave Chesson
Last updated on June 4th, 2024

Book promotion sites can be a powerful way to get your book in front of new readers, which is why some authors work with as many free and paid book promotion services as possible.

Whether you love this style of kindle book advertising or not, you can't deny its effectiveness. But finding sites to work with and researching their requirements can be time consuming. Plus, you don't want to work with sites that aren't worth your time or your money.

That's why I've compiled a list of popular book promotion sites based on my own experience and the recommendations of other authors.

Bonus: Want to know which book promotion sites are my personal favorites? Download my list of favorites and know which ones will give you the best ROI and be worth your time or money!

Some are free, while others…not so much. Also, each site has their own set of requirements in order to be accepted. So, to help you out, I did some research on each one and wrote a quick bit about their stipulations and focus.

With these book marketing services, authors can pay a small fee for your discounted book to be shared on the book's email list, which usually has a set of readers who read the same genre.

The most famous book promotion service is BookBub, but it can sometimes be really hard to get a BookBub promotion, so having other services ready to go can be a good strategy. I'll talk more about different tactics to leverage these services down below.

Pro Tip: Don't submit to an email service that doesn't cover your genre. Preferably those should be the only people who see your book.

In this article, you will gain:
  1. A list of the best book promotion websites, free and premium
  2. An understanding of how these book promotion sites work
  3. A couple of options in order to not have to do this yourself

What Are Book Promotion Sites?

A book promotion service is a website that allows you to promote your book, usually to an email list, social media channels, and maybe a press release (though it's really the email list where the money is made).

Ultimately, your mailing list should be your first promotional effort. I recommend Mailerlite as the best (and most affordable) email marketing service for authors.
Check Out Mailerlite
Chapter 1

The Top Free Book Promotion Sites

The list below will allow you to quickly see the most popular book promo sites that offer a free level of service.

Make sure to check the notes to the right and ensure your ebook meets the requirements. Many of these I have used, while others were ones I collected based on recommendations from by other authors. So please keep that in mind, and, if you find one to be incredible or terrible, let me know and I'll update as necessary.

List of the Top Free Book Promotion Sites

ServicePriceErotica Allowed?Requirements and Notes
Mobile Read ForumFreeNot StatedForum only, no form of promotion outside of this.
BookpraiserFreeNot StatedFree account creation required. Offers the ability to create an author page on the site in order to feature more of your work on a longer term basis.
Reading DealsFree - $29NoNo sexual content, no hate speech. Good quality covers only. 10,000 words minimum. 5 reviews with a 4 star rating.
Free TodayFreeNot StatedFacebook group only, no website running at the moment for this service.
Authors DenFree - $75NoA basic account is free, but there's a fee to get 'gold' membership and receive a higher level of exposure
Book CircleFree - $20NoFree listings aren't guaranteed. Paid listings are guaranteed, with more expensive options bringing a higher level of promotion.
eBookStageFree (Affiliates Program) - $16YesMust have a quality book cover and a 'good' review score (not specified exactly)
InkittFreeYesNot only will they submit your book to their thousands of readers, they will also offer you a publishing deal worth thousands of dollars if their readers like it. Fiction Only.
Pretty Hot BooksFree - $25Yes$25 guarantees a featured spot on homepage for 7 days and send out to their social media platforms as well.
Digital Book TodayFree - $20No4+ average review score required, plus over 40 reviews for nonfiction and 18 for fiction
Discount Book ManFree - $15YesFor front page listing for 5 days, pay $15. Sends out to both email and social media.
Book BongoFree - $150Not StatedPaid options include the ability to be promoted to various Facebook groups and to be featured as a banner ad on the site.
This Is WritingFreeNoGets you an author page and even a guest post allowing you to promote your work.
Kindle Book ReviewFree - $45Not StatedFree option requires 14 day advance submission and is not guaranteed, Paid option requires 24 hours notice and is guaranteed
EBooks HabitFree - $15NoA minimum of 5 reviews
Lovely Book PromotionsFree - $10Not StatedMust submit your book at least 5 days in advance. The paid option includes your book being promoted to over 60 Facebook groups.
New Free Kindle BooksFree - $25YesAllows for permafree books to be listed. Paid option offers a larger amount of display space on the promo page.
Topless CowboyFree - $20YesSpecializes in cowboy and western romance, but open to erotica and romance of all kinds.
It's Write NowFree - $20Not StatedOnly paid option offers guaranteed listing.
Content MoFree - $3YesFree listings limited to 2 per month
One Hundred Free BooksFree - $100Not StatedNo guaranteed selection
Frugal FreebiesFreeYesNot just focused on Ebooks, this site has a lot of different giveaways and freebies.
Armadillo EbooksFree - $25YesOption to upgrade to a listing for 15 sites for $25. Other requirements are not stated.
Book AngelFreeNoPG 13 content only, so definitely no erotica, but also no severe violence or other violations of their ethics.
Deal Seeking MomFreeNot StatedOffering deals on many different products, not just books. Despite the name, this is the type of site which any bargain hunter might come across.
eReaderIQFreeNot StatedContact to discuss suitability of your book
I Crave FreebiesFreeNot StatedContact to discuss paid options. No clear information is provided upfront.
AllAuthorFree - $59YesThe free option offers a basic author page, listing on the Author Directory, and the option to add up to 4 books. No special requirements.
The Rebel ChristianFreeNoSpecializes in Christian fiction.
Indies TodayFree - $5NoBooks have to be free. Submit your promotion at least 24 hours before your deal begins Submit each book title no more than once per calendar month. No specific review/rating requirement, but all books go through an internal review that considers your book’s cover, summary, details, and reviews.
Free Book TipsFreeYesSubmit your book at any time, even if your promotion has already begun. Your listing request will be responded to within 24 hours. Most genres accepted. Every accepted book is allocated a permanent feature page on the site. Currently offering a free service only.
Best Book MonkeyFree - $10.50YesPaid option guarantees placement in daily newsletter to readers. All accepted books are listed on the website and shared on social media. Books must be priced below $4.99 and contain a minimum of 15,000 words (unless it's a children's book, graphic novel, or other visually-focused work).
bookhunt.orgFreeNot StatedShare your book and collect upvotes. The more the bookhunt community likes your book, the more visibility you get.
Self-Pub ManFreeYesBook Must Be Free or .99 and on Amazon
Chapter 1

The Top Paid Book Promotion Websites

Below is a list of the top paid promotion websites.

These services either offer to send your book to other promo sites (saving you time and energy) or will offer your book to a premium group of readers. In most cases, you'll get a better quality output through these sites…but at a price.

Also, keep in mind the list of paid sites below includes some that I haven't personally used, and some that I have. I've worked to compile as legitimate of a list of book promotion sites as possible to make it easier for you to see what is out there. If you come across any you love or hate, let me know and I'll keep the list up-to-date.

List of the Top Paid Book Promotion Sites

ServicePriceErotica Allowed?Requirements and Notes
The History Quill$3 – $4.50NoHistorical Fiction only
Just Kindle Books$23 - $45YesHas a highly engaged newsletter readership and Facebook following. Promotes mostly romance, erotic romance, mystery/thriller, urban fantasy, & women's fiction. Next-day submissions accepted. Top-notch customer service.
Book Goodies$10 - $399YesSubmit 5 days in advance. One of the few paid services to explicitly allow erotica (no pun intended). Flat rate promotion, no complicated array of options to navigate and decipher.
Freebooksy$30 - $245YesBooks promoted specifically by genre. Must be free at time of promo to be eligible. Promos available for entire series. No review requirements.
Steamy Romance Books$34.99 - $349YesSpecifically for erotica books. On another page, they also offer paid features as well.
Book Bub$113 - $3,984Not StatedVery strict acceptance criteria, excellent average ROI. Countless authors have reported huge success after being featured on Book Bub. The most popular genre on Book Bub, crime, has almost 4 million subscribers on the list.
Kindle Nation Daily$29.99 - $139.98Not StatedOffers myriad packages. You can buy either daily, weekly or monthly packages, and have the option of choosing to promote to specific genre pages or to the whole site in general. Service claims to be able to reach up to 180,000 Kindle owners each day.
Digital Book Today$15 - $20Not StatedSubmit at least 4 days in advance. Onsite calendar feature allows you to quickly and easily see whether it will be possible to promote your book during your desired time.
Author Ad Network$129Yes and NoPromotes your book to 28 different promotion sites and other social media programs. If erotica, they'll only promote to certain sites that allow it.
Book Reader Magazine$20Yes$20 guarantees a featured spot on the homepage for 7 days. Also, allows you to submit an author interview for free.
Goodkindles$25 - $45YesThe costlier packages come with prominent home page promotion, social media and newsletter features.
LitNuts$20YesLitNuts promotes only indie books (no Big 5!) and offers discounts to Kindlepreneur followers. Follow the link for details. Bargains/freebies are welcome, but LitNuts promotes books at any price point as long as the book is from an indie author or publisher.
Hot Zippy$23 - $337YesOne of the biggest ranges of options and prices available. Mix and match book promotions across four websites, audiences, and email newsletters: Bargain eBook Hunter, Pixelscroll, Romance eBook Deals & 13 Horror Street. Choose your dates, sites, and number of days you want to run (2 days up to 30 days). Use your book's product description or write your own copy. New author friendly - no minimum review requirements or minimum star rating. Erotica titles welcome.
Free Books Hub$10 - $20Not StatedYour book will be promoted via email, on the website and through social media. Extra payments can be made in order to be more prominently displayed on both the site and on Facebook.
EBook Deal Of The Day$5-10Not StatedCosts $5-10 per marketplace (e.g Kindle, iTunes etc). Also offers a specific Kindle India promotion option.
Snicks List$1 - $5NoOne of the two cheapest paid promotion options. You can choose the number of days your promotion will run, with very small price increases for extra days. If you have a permafree book, your promotion will run for a year for only $5.
Book Cave$15 - $44 (Genre)Yes, but no erotic coversMust have 10-20 reviews, but a new release can have no reviews if you have good reviews on several other books. 100+ pages. Books cannot be more than $2.99 for the promotion, and need to be free, $0.99, or discounted by at least 50%.
Buck Books$9 - $29Not StatedBook must be 0.99 or less during promotion, at least 10 reviews with an average score of 3.8 or higher, well written book description, pro cover design (specifically not Fiverr)
Awesome Book Promotion$10 - $25Yes5 different platforms available. You can choose to spread out your promotion on specific dates on each of the 5 sites or stack them all in one day.
Planet Ebooks$20 - $60Not StatedYour book is featured on home page, promoted by social media blasts and weekly newsletter to our readers depending on package and if you are offering free or discounted book at the time. No minimum quantity/score, erotic romance accepted only with a tasteful cover.
Hidden Gems Books$10 - $50YesThousands of quality subscribers and growing daily, newsletter goes out twice a week and price varies on package. All genres of romance. Also has an ARC program for attracting honest reviews
Book Tweeters$15 - $65NoTweet Your Books to 500,000+ Readers for 1-5 days
Bargain Booksy$20 - $240YesPrice paid depends on genre. More popular genres have a bigger list and therefore cost more. Reach larger audience with Deal of the Day Promos. No review requirements.
Book Basset$8 per day - $22 per dayNoNo explicit content whatsoever allowed. Choice of either being a 'featured author' or being the giveaway of the day.
Book Gorilla$50 - $100YesErotica is accepted but must have "literary quality". Books must have 5 reviews with an average of 4 stars and be over 100 pages in length.
Book Lemur$25 - $35NoNo minimum review amount stated but "the more quality reviews the better".
ManyBooks$29 - $79No, but states will in futureYour book must have at least 5 reviews with a four star or better rating. Your cover must be professional.
WhizBuzz Books$49YesErotica is accepted but only if the cover and title are suitable for a general audience. The fee buys promotion both on site and on social for one year.
Genre Pulse$16 - $50YesNo special requirements. Genre Pulse prides themselves on 'not being fussy.'
Robin Reads$40 - $85YesBooks promoted specifically by genre. Erotica is allowed but featured separately. Books must have a good cover and good reviews to be selected. No minimum reviews.
Ebook Hounds$10 - $50YesNonfiction books must be over 100 pages. Fiction books must be over 150. At least 10 reviews averaging 3+ stars.
The Fussy Librarian$10 - $75YesBook must be $5.99 or less on the day of the promotion. They offer two newsletters — one for bargain ebooks (100,000+ readers) and one for free ebooks (500,000+ readers).
Book Barbarian$35 - $55NoBooks must be sci fi or fantasy to qualify. Must have at least 10 reviews with an average of 3.5+ stars.
Pillow Talk Books$35 - $250YesPromotes all romance genres, including erotica and dark romance. Promotions include social, website, and newsletter blast. Daily emails and rush order options.
E Reader News Today$40 - $140NoFull length books only. No minimum requirements but reviews are taken into consideration.
Dango Books$15 - $25YesThe discounted price must be below $2.99. Your book must be at least 125 pages. Children’s, non-fiction, and cookbooks do not have to meet this requirement.
TCK Publishing$10NoProfessionally designed book cover, must have at least 10 reviews on Amazon, average review rating of 4 stars, book must be $0.99 or cheaper at time of promotion
BookMelon$19 - $49NoNonfiction only, High-quality professional book cover, Must have more than 10 ratings (prelaunch book promotions excluded) on your chosen book sales platforms and an average of over 3.5 stars
BookDoggy$18 - $20YesYour book is included in their newsletter and website. Includes a personalized post on their Facebook page. Will link to a series pages, specific giveaway pages, or a link to a video.
KU Addicts Express$15 - $20Not StatedMust be on Kindle Unlimited for at least the next 30 days. No specific review/rating requirement, but all books go through an editorial consideration that appraises your book’s cover, summary, and reviews.
bookdealio$70 - $250Not StatedEither Free or discounted by at least 50%. Typically, the highest price point in our deals portion of the newsletter is $1.99. Apply about 1 month in advance.
kbookpromotions$140 - $780YeseBooks only. Max price is $9.99.
Books Go Social$89 - $499No EroticaAmazon and Facebook ad programs with NetGalley and Editorial Reviews
BookRunes$25 - $40NoMust be $2.99 or less.
eBookSoda$29YesYour book must have at least 8 reviews unless it's a new release and an average of 3.5 stars or more. Priced at $4.99 or less on the day of the listing.
Red Feather Romance$85 to $185YesRomance books only. Books promoted by subgenre (steamy, paranormal, historical, etc.). Must be rated 3.5 stars or higher, 50+ pages. Promos are available for entire series.
Book Adrenaline$15 - $30NoMystery or Thriller genres only. Stand-alone novels or the first book in a series only. Free or discounted by 50% or more. Books should have at least ten reviews with an average star rating of 3.5 or better on the Amazon.com
ExciteSteam$15 - $75YesAll titles must have an average review of 4 stars or higher (new releases will be evaluated on the basis of the author's back list reviews). Free and discounted books are preferred.
Love Kissed Book Bargains$5 - $50YesYour book must be priced under $2.99, have a professional cover, and a ranking of 3.5 stars or more.
NewInBooks$299 - $499Not StatedBook launch promo stack with dedicated launch specialist. Your book must be released in the past 6 months to qualify. Drives paperback sales in addition to ebook sales.
Romance Reads$85 - $175YesBook must be either free or discounted with the highest price being $0.99. High-quality cover required.
Free & Discounted Books$12 - $25Not StatedSubmit at least 5 days in advance. Almost every genre imaginable found here. Also the option to list any permafree books you may have.
BookRaid$0.15 - $60YesHigh quality covers only, no minimum reviews but reviews taken into account, price is cost per click basis with $60 maximum charge
AllAuthor$15-20NoSpecializes in historical fiction, including historical crime, thrillers, mysteries, sagas, romance, action/adventure, fantasy, and YA.
Booksliced$30 - $245YesBooks promoted specifically by genre. Must be free at time of promo to be eligible. Promos available for entire series. No review requirements.
Hello Books$35 - $65Not StatedFill out the book submission form – they need your ASIN, your cover, a short description and the size of your mailing list.
Wild Hearts Romance$35YesExclusively showcasing erotic and contemporary romance books.
Goodkindles$25 - $45YesAll genres.
Instalove Book Club$10 - $15YesRomance books. Instalove titles preferred.
BooksShelf$150 - $300NoBook of the Day/Week options, Book Series promotion, Other services (like book covers) also provided.
Booksliced$18 - $43YesFeatures eBooks only. Erotic romance accepted. Offers standard book promotions, series promotions and hand-crafted articles about your books.
AllAuthor$29YesRegular promotions on Twitter for 6 months in front of 50,000+ followers
Joelbooks$15-$60NoModern book lover website with a wide range of content for readers. They are active on Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook. Their most popular genres are Children's books, YA fiction, Thrillers, Sci-fi, Fantasy, Self-help and Business books.
Birdsheaven$20-$25YesEmerging, quality erotic book website for kinky readers. The books are carefully categorized and rated based on their level of erotica.
Red Roses Romance$25-45YesBooks must be romance or erotica to qualify. Must have at least 10 reviews with an average of 3.5+ stars.
Grown With Hart$10-$20YesPrimarily for Romance authors. Also offers deals on cover design, blurbs, and list builders.
The Bookish Elf$50-500NoThey read all genre books, Historical Fiction, Psychological thriller books, Biography books, Self help books, Romance books, Horror, Mystery, crime, Children's Books.
Deluxe Romance$15YesGuaranteed promotion to email and listing on website. Highly engaged romance only list, that has a very high click through rate. Daily promotions are limited so book early.
Crave Books$24+YesGuaranteed promotion to email list and website. Upgrades for social media, boosts, newsletter feature and more are available.
eBook Booster$30 - $40YesYour book promotion sent to 13+ book blog sites. Your promotion is guaranteed and upgrades are available as well.
eReader Girl$9NoYour book is guaranteed to be promoted via email and on the website.
The eReader Cafe$25 - $40NoA minimum of 3 reviews with a score of 4+ Book must be submitted at least 3 days in advance and be over 100 pages in length

If you know of a legitimate site that should be featured here, contact me and let me know!

My Top Recommendations

When it comes to the services that I use the most, I divide these paid promotion sites into two categories: sites that will promote a free book, and those that will promote a discounted book.

Promoting a Free Book

Note that these are not free services. Instead they are paid services that will promote a free book. This can be useful if the free book you are promoting is the first in a long series. My top recommendations are:

Promoting a Discounted Book

For those promoting at a discount (around 33% or more of the original price), these are generally the best:

Chapter 1

How Free Book Promotion Sites Work

These book promotion sites have collected a very targeted bunch of emails or built up a large social media account and are willing to do some free book promoting on your behalf.

All you have to do is submit your book information for a promotion, and they'll blast it out to their – hopefully – avid readers. With all of those free downloads, the hope is that some of them will leave a review and the spike in downloads will help with your Amazon rankings.

So, why do they do such an amazing free service?

Podcast Episode – Learn More About Which Promotion Sites Are Best And How They Work

In many cases, these free and paid book promo sites will use their Amazon Associate link to point to your book. That way, if someone clicks on it and downloads it, the site will get a percentage of anything the person ends up buying within 24 hours of clicking the link. Yup…that's how Amazon Associate works.

But don't let that get you all riled up! These book promotion sites are basically free advertisement for you. By getting the clicks and downloads, your book will become more popular by the minute…and all you had to do was fill out a form. It's a win-win situation.

Some even do it to see how well your book performs with their readers and will then turn around and offer you a very profitable publishing deal like Inkitt does — which is kind of brilliant if you think about it.

Chapter 1

How to Best Use and Schedule Your Book Promotion Site Pushes

Discover the how, why, and when of book promo site marketing in this free video.

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STRATEGY #1: Sell More Books with Promo Stacking

My #1 strategy is to stack your promotions so you are running several within a few days of each other. This triggers Amazon's Popularity Effect, which can last for a long time and give you added benefit to running those promotions.

Warning: Do not stack your book promotions all on the same day. If you do this, you will show a sales spike, which does not trigger Amazon's algorithm to continue promoting the book. You will see a sales spike, then it will slump right back down to where it was before.

Instead, you choose to space your promotions our by 1-3 days if you are being aggressive, or around one per week for a more steady, drawn-out campaign.

Pro Tip: To maximize the benefits of these book promotions even further, try running a small amount of Amazon Ads while the promotions are running. In my experience, Amazon gets better at targeting those ads to the right people when you are simultaneously running book promotions to your discounted book.

STRATEGY #2: Test Your Book Promotion Services

Not all of these services work well, or at least they might not work well for your genre or even your specific book. That is why, for every book series, I recommend you test all the book promotion sites that you use.

While it's impossible to know exactly how many sales are directly attributable to your promotion, but it's okay to look at just the sales data overall. After all, if the promotions trigger the Amazon algorithm so that you get even more sales, even if those sales didn't come directly from the promotion, I would say they still count. Here is what you should track:

  1. How much you spent on the promotion
  2. How many units you sold in the week following (another important reason to space out your promotions)
  3. How much money your entire series made in the week following (make sure to look at the entire series, especially if your first book is free and therefore won't make any money back on its own)
  4. Calculate your ROI
    2. Example: $100 / $50 x 100% = 200% ROI
  5. Repeat for other book promotions
  6. Identify the promotions that showed the highest ROI

Using this strategy will easily help you identify the services that are worth your time and money, and those that aren't.

Chapter 1

Services and Tools to Make Working with Book Promotion Sites Easier

Now, if you are a writer with frugal living habits or just someone on a budget, you can take the above list of book promotion sites and hand-jam your information into each one. Grab a bottle of wine and some ice cream because that will take a little bit of time.

But, if you're a fan of outsourcing, another option is to go to Fiverr and pay someone to go through the lists above or follow their own list – although I don’t think they will be as thorough as my list. Typically, I will send my Virtual Assistant this list and have them do it for me, but until you make the VA leap, see if you can find someone on Fiverr to do it for you.

And here are some more Fiverr Opportunities

(P.S. None of these are affiliate links)

BKnights on Fiverr: This guy or gal is the bomb diggity of promotion sites sales. While his or her services have changed a bit recently, you still have the option of promoting your free or discounted book on their website and to their email list full of hungry readers.

Book Kitty Facebook Promos on Fiverr: Through this gig, they'll promote your book on 5 popular Facebook pages that the gig runner owns. With 600+ positive reviews, it's a favorite and go-to gig for many.

James H. Mayfield's Promotion Service: This one is my favorite — coming from my good friend Holger (uses a pen name). Honestly, he has the most experience with working with these free sites. I took a peek at his analytics and well…the guy's a pro. Plus, he offers other types of promotions to include Facebook, Reddit, forums and others. If you're looking for a free book promotion, (he does not currently do 99¢ promos), this one is worth checking out.

If you would like to make some extra cash, go ahead and start your own Fiverr gig and email me your link. I'll include you on this post….talk about FREE publicity!

Disclaimer: Writing a post about this is pretty hard because every day these sites are are changing, going out of business, or just disappearing. I cannot promise that the information above will be the same when you click on the link. However, in an ever quest to publish amazing content, please, by all means, contact me and let me know if any information has changed. I will be sure to update the site to reflect this. Till then, stay frosty and enjoy!

Alrighty guys, well I hope you enjoyed this list. Now go out and make the most of it, and be sure to download my list of personal favorite book promotion sites.

After you grab my personal favorite book promo sites, check out the other fan-favorite posts:

Sell more books on Amazon

Free Download

My Semi-Secret List of Favorite Book Promotion Sites

There are over 127 different book promotion sites listed in my article. Some are good and others not exactly worth your time. But there are some that make the cut – both paid and free. Check out my list of favorite book promotion sites and the numbers to show you why I like them.

269 thoughts on “127+ of the Top Free and Paid Book Promotion Services

  1. Heather

    Thanks for the list. I would love to know which sites are particularly useful for juvenile fiction. It’s so hard for children’s authors to reach our audience.

    1. Dave Chesson

      I haven’t tried genre specific examples through them so I can’t say, if and how much of a factor that would be.

  2. Vichelle Hannon

    Thanks so much for doing the legwork with this lists. You have really saved me a great deal of time.

    1. Dave Chesson

      Glad to have helped!

  3. ▶︎ Teena

    Hey Dave, fantastic list! Thank you, merci beaucoup, mille grazie!!!!

    ❓❓❓ PS – None of the hyperlinks are working at the top of the page 🙁

    1. Dave Chesson

      Huh…super strange. I’ll look into that. Thanks

  4. Bob Price

    I found this article useful and have been slowly working my way through the lists.

  5. Sandeep Patel

    Thanks for the help. I’m going to go through all of it. I’m glad you placed the free advertising is never a miss so I’m going for it now. I feel many people know of my work but never anyone taking the time to buy or read or whatever them. So slowly but surely going through the lot thoroughly as all the writing is done so the reward for the readers exist only now. I like the info on Amazon Associate which makes me believe in you and me more. Thanks again! #GoldLiterature.

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